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Jennifer O'Neill Review

I first met Dave DeAngelis when I was showing the "A" Circuit on the East Coast in McClay and Medal Classes (along with my Junior Hunter exploits) and we share the love of horses to this day!

Over the ensuing years, I had the honor of working with some of the best photographers in the world- from shooting the Collections in Paris for Vogue, to advertising CoverGirl for 30 years.

And then there were all the "set" photographers who captured the essence and movement of the various characters I portrayed in my film career...I mention this only to say that, in my opinion, Dave ranks right up there in his craft as one of the best of the best! To put it simply, Dave has a brilliant eye, and captures the "magic moments of life" as well as anyone I've had the pleasure to work with. 

He is a personal friend of the family, is seated on our HHH 501c3 Advisory Board, and is our official HOPE AND HEALING AT HILLENGLADE Photographer...( Please visit

There is no one I would recommend more highly than Dave...



Jennifer O'Neill

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